Office of Advocacy - Student Rights

These are your rights.

Governance at OSU is shared between University leadership, Faculty Senate, and the Associated Students of Oregon State University. On May 9, 2017, OSU President Ed Ray, ASOSU President Rachel Grisham, and Faculty Senate President Job Dorbolo signed OSU's Student Bill of Rights into effect. These rights belong to the students of Oregon State University.

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Student Bill Of Rights

01 differing opinions and dissent on campus.

02 ...associate and assemble to collectively express, promote and defend common interests.

03 ...exercise the practice of religion free from discrimination.

04 ...academic advising that is accurate and can be relied upon for progress towards graduation.

05 ...have their voice heard in all university policymaking decisions that impact students.

06 ...a campus free of discrimination and harassment based on one’s race, color, gender identity or expression, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, parental status, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information or veteran status.

07 ...complete a course of study should the university discontinue a course of study.

08 ...due process in all university disciplinary processes.

09 equal opportunity to learn and to participate and benefit from the academic community.

10 with and engage with course instructors and professors during their office hours.

11 ...the protection of student educational records and confidential information.

12 graded in accordance with the course syllabus and the quality of their work.

If you feel any member or party of the university is violating your rights as a student, please contact us at 541-737-9200 or [email protected]