ASOSU Elections
ASOSU student goverment holds elections annually in the winter term. Preparations for elections under the new ASOSU Constitution are underway and the Elections Committee will be assembling and convening in the coming weeks and months. To get informed for the upcoming 2024 elections, contact the Vice President at [email protected].
Use TurboVote to register to vote, update your registration, and keep up with election information.
Sustainability Office
The OSU Sustainability Office manages projects and initiatives to make OSU an environmentally sustainable campus. To get involved with campus sustainability, search for projects with student volunteer involvement here. To get involved with sustainability-related clubs and organizations, search here.
Legislative Scholars Program
The Legislative Scholars Program provides opportunities for students to engage in public policy and political issues that they are passionate about while pursuing their education. Scholarships are available to students who participate for academic credits.
Labor Unions
Multiple labor unions are organized at OSU to negotiate employment contracts and advocate for OSU employees' interests. For concerns regarding workplace conditions and organizing, get in touch with the following organizations.
SEIU503, representing classified on-campus staff
UAOSU, representing professors and academic faculty
CGE6069, representing graduate employees