Meet Your Student Fee Committee

Sophia Nowers

Student Fee Committee Chair


Sophia Nowers

[email protected]

Major: Agricultural Sciences



To be elected soon

Vice Chair


[email protected]



Abukar Mohamed

Member At-Large


Abukar Mohamed

Majors: Accounting

I chose to join the SFC as I wanted to have an impact upon my campus and learn valuable skills throughout the process.

I enjoy quality time with friends and family whenever I have down time. I am also insanely competitive in any sport or topic I am passionate about. Types of sports I play is basketball, soccer, and football, but I typically adapt quickly and can learn new sport pretty easily. One of my goals in life is to learn how to play the piano, so if anyone would like to teach me, hit me up!

Spencer Pederson

Member At-Large


Spencer Pederson

Majors: Business Information Systems

I’m interested in having input to make Oregon State better for the students during my final year here. I’m hoping it pays off for future students!


I like golfing, watching the Boston Celtics destroy any team in their way on the path to another title, and MarioKart

Carson Bass

Member At-Large


A portrait Icon

Majors: coming soon

Bio coming soon

Cole Peters

Member At-Large


Cole Peters

Majors: Supply Chain Management and Logistics

I chose to get involved in the Student Fee Committee because I am currently an RA for Oregon State University, and as an RA and fellow student here, I care deeply about making my residents feel like they are a part of the OSU community and can thrive in this college environment. Over my past year working here, I have witnessed the plurality of issues that students here at OSU face, from feelings of isolation to having issues being able to access on campus resources. I would like to use my position as a member of the Student Fee Committee to help bolster the on-campus resources available to students as well as promote ways for students to access them.

During my free time, I love to play board and tabletop games with my friends as well as to meet new people. I am also very interested in older technology and love making mixtapes on cassettes or fixing original Game Boys. Additionally, during the weekends, I love to go hiking in the local forests.

Harper Kenee

Family Resource Center Liaison


Harper Kenee

[email protected]

Majors: Political Science, minor in Women, Gender & Sexual Studies

I chose to join the Student Fee Committee because I wanted to be involved in ASOSU and was excited to work with the FRC as I am passionate about childcare issues.

I enjoy reading, going to the movies and hanging out with my family. I love exploring Seattle and other places as well as finding the best coffee shops wherever I go.

Nathan Schmidt

Associated Students of OSU Liaison 


Nathan Schmidt

[email protected]

Majors: Political Science with a Pre Law Option, Minor in Indigenous Studies

I chose to get involved in the Student Fee Committee at Oregon State University because I am deeply committed to the principles of responsible spending and fiscal stewardship within our university community. Drawing upon my background in student government, I recognize the profound impact that well-managed resources can have on enhancing the student experience. I work to make sure money in ASOSU is spent responsibly and judiciously.

I'm an avid runner and Ultramarathoner, running 2 Ultramarathons in the past few years at Oregon State. I'm a snowboarder, and have 2 dogs at home, A golden retriever named Rory and a rescue terrier named Olive.

Noah Roberts

Memorial Union Liaison


Noah Roberts

[email protected]

Major: Electrical & Computer Engineering

I was raised in Hermiston, OR and lived in that area for all of my childhood. Moved to Corvallis for college and fell in love with the city and the area almost immediately. In the time since, Corvallis has become a home to me. In my spare time I enjoy prototyping and experimenting with circuits and computers. I also love a good musical!

I got involved with the Student Fee Committee to represent and serve my peers, my community, and generations of students to come.

Alexandria Granera

Student Experiences & Engagemenet Liaison


A portrait Icon

[email protected]

Major: Public Health, Minors: Psychology and Human Development and Family Sciences

I chose to get involved in this year’s SFC process because I want to continue my work of advocacy for students and creating a better OSU community! I’m excited to share that this will be my fourth year with the SFC! Outside of the SFC process I love to read and keep up to date with current pop culture moments.

Emma Flick

Recreational Sports Liaison


Emma Flick

[email protected]

Major: Kinesiology

I choose to get involved with the Student Fee Commitee because I wanted to see behind the scenes of student fees and the decision-making process of where my own fees went. I also wanted to advocate for the student services that I use and am part of like the Dixon Recreational Center that I think are an important part of the OSU student experience.

I spend a lot of times in or thinking about the outdoors. I love kayaking, camping, hiking and bringing my dog on adventures. I work at the Adventure Leadership Institute (ALI) as an operations staff member and helped teach rock climbing classes to students. A big focus of mine is to make the outdoors accessible to everyone and create a welcoming community outside.

Zoe Eberle

Intercollegiate Athletics Liaison


A portrait Icon

[email protected]

Majors: Biology - Premed

I wanted to be apart of the SFC because I thought I could be a great voice and advocate for OSU athletics. What better way to give OSU athletics a voice coming directly from an athlete. I’m not only a rower, but a student and forming that bridge between the two is very important to me.

I’m a rower for the OSU Women’s Rowing team and I been rowing for six years now. I used to be a competitive swimmer so I’d like to say you cant keep me away from the water! Ive only been in Oregon for a year and I don’t think Ive seen a more beautiful state! I will go hiking any day!

Meron Solomon

Basic Needs Center Liaison


A portrait Icon

[email protected]

Major: Business Administration

I work as a peer navigator at the Basic Needs Center here on campus. I’m passionate about advocating for basic needs support and building a strong community at OSU. I chose to get involved in the Student Fee Committee because I believe students have a large impact in shaping their college experience.

Connor Boring-Mackie

Performing Arts Liaison


Connor Boring-Mackie

[email protected]

Major: Music Education

Growing up in the Willamette Valley, I have always loved the arts and spending time in our beautiful countryside. From my fascination with space to my passion for education and music, you can be sure to find me wherever music is being played and the sky can be seen.

OSU is the 4th university that I have transferred to in my Academic career. As a 4th year student, with my numerous experiences with differing colleges, I can say without a doubt that the community here at OSU is unparalleled. The music department in particular has been the most welcoming and inspirational community I have experienced in my life. They have helped me in more ways than I can count, and I will do anything I can to serve them. My past experiences in student government across the universities and clubs I have been a part of, have given me a unique perspective as to how different organizations can function together. For that reason, I will do my best to work to not only represent my community in the Music and the Performing Arts but to represent everyone at OSU.