ASOSU SafeRide - About Us

SafeRide Leadership 2024-2025

Position Name Email
Program Coordinator Jeff Baxter (he/him/his) [email protected]
Graduate Teaching Assistant Bianca McNeil [email protected]
Student Facilitators

Stella Sherburn

AJ Robinson

Grace Andrade

[email protected]


Dispatch Number: (541) 737-5000

Office Number: (541) 737-5000

For general SafeRide questions please contact us at [email protected]


We are hiring! Join our team!

SafeRide employs roughly 50 students every year. With students graduating, getting internships, and moving on to jobs closer to their future careers we are always hiring! Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and trainings will be held regularly throughout the academic year.

View Job Listing


History of Oregon State's SafeRide Program:

  • 1988 - SafeRide was initially created by women for women. The program began as a Sexual Assault Prevention Program to give free transportation to female students around campus and local housing.
  • 2003 - The program opened to include men and other genders due to efforts from the ASOSU Women’s Affairs Task Force.
  • 2014 - Introduction of TapRide app, allowing up to 10 riders in as many as 6 vans.
  • 2018 - Utilized SafeRide funds to purchase a personal mobility van (lovingly named MOJO) to accommodate for riders with wheelchairs.
  • 2019 - Operated at full capacity with multiple vans per shift every night and a total of over 80 employees.
  • 2020 - Due to COVID-19, Operations were shut down in Spring 2020.
  • 2021 - Service restarted at the beginning of Fall term with a limited operation schedule due to COVID-19.
  • 2022 - Back to full strength, operating nightly with many vehicles.